torsdag 26 april 2012

Slow but fun

We have some slow updating on this blog at this moment due to various problems with the game, we got some problem with reloading features, weapons and etc, we are trying to fix these as soon as possible but the game must be completed soon so for now we are not focusing on the story and what not, we will feature a more arcade(ish) feel to it instead and mass zombies to kill, its still in pre-alpha state so the beta is maybe further away than we first expected, you always find yourself being delayed with these kind of projects so hopefully you understand the situation.
There are several things we want to have finished until the release of the game, you can read about it down below, otherwiese skip ahead to the section under the features one.

reload feature working

Weapon models done and working properly

Survival feature

A kind of coin feature where you will have intel's you will need to find on the island and when you do you have kind of completed the game, atleast in this pre-alpha version, there will be zombies all around the island that will try to kill you, this is the gameplay for now.

We have a extremly basic quest feature that (if we have the time for it) will be implemented into the game, basic quest such as "kill 20 zombies for more ammo" and things like that.

Ammo and healthpack working properly (health packs work fine at this state) but we might, also if we got the time to do it, make a simple way of get more ammo or add ammo in the game, a regenerating HP is also an option.

We will continue to work on this but at a slower pace, mainly because after we are "done" in school with it we dont have to work with it and probably cant work on it in school anymore so we will need to give up some freetime for it, it will be done and we will release a beta of it but at this moment we want the above features done and then we will put it on ice and see what we will do with it, as i said before we will complete it one way or another but we need time to do it.

Today we are working on reload feature and maybe some new models in the game with textures and what not, other than that i want to show our personal project part 2 video, its down below, check it out :)

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