onsdag 21 mars 2012


Haii there!

Sorry for the low amount of updates coming in the recent days, the reason for that is that we dont want to update you guys on boring stuff and when we dont have any good content coming out we feel that there is no reason to post, we will rather post nothing than posting something that is boring to the reader.

With that said we still dont have any major improvments going on just yet, we got some function upgrades to alot of the objects, now they serve a purpose in the map, some more than others and alot of them are there to just guide, block and to make the scenery look good, others are there for interaction and can be blown up and what not, we also put in a easter eag and got some ideas for other easter eggs that you will be able to find in the game, this is something we make for fun and we'll see who can find all of them first.

Our map is also improved alot on, the previous pictures of the black hawk in the middle of forest and the missplaced buildings, gas stations and what not is not something that we will keep, what we took snapshots from was our testing map where we generally just test our 3D models and see if their rigidy bodys work (the script that make the object collide to other objects and actually get a wheight to it).

Stay tuned for some pictures on the upcoming and newly released improvments.


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